Lucy Devereux

Owner / Photographer

Born in North Wales, I'm a Mum and photographer. 

My grandfather gave me my first camera when I was around 10 years old, it was one of the first Kodaks ever made and remains one of my most treasured possessions and still in use today! 

I lived in London for 10 years, where I photographed EVERYTHING whilst also studying and working as a complementary and stress management therapist.

Eventually moving back to North Wales where I continued to photograph EVERYTHING especially my two brand new babies and I guess that could be where my love of portraiture began... 

In 2012, I felt confident enough to take on my first studio, and in 2016, my second. I honestly haven't looked back.

Today I'd say that I'm even more in love with photography than ever… 

Now, please say, "Cheeeeese!"

Book a Photo Session Today!

If you have any requests, or you would like to schedule a photoshoot, get in touch through this form, and I'll respond as soon as possible.

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